Just a few things that were in my memory card waiting to be cleared out!
So to make it up to you loyal fans....how about some BLOG CANDY?
I am cleaning house over here (or should I say closet?), getting ready for our all day crop...so I will pull out a few things that need new homes and post a picture tomorrow. All you have to do is try to top this funny kid story....
So it's Christmas and I am making cookies...little do I know that my son has snuck behind my back and stolen the box of confectioners sugar (he is 2 1/2)...a few seconds pass and I turn to look for the sugar and see it's gone. [[[ panic ]]]... I then turn around to see this...

That is my poor baby Adrian, blinking the sugar out of her eyes...
and then go into the den to see THIS:

I am literally biting my tongue trying not to laugh and my DH (who is a NYC cop) looks and says...."Wow, looks like a drug raid gone bad!" I made sure I took these pictures to show my son one day when his kids do something crazy! Anyway, tell me a funny story and I'll pick the funniest....TFL!
okay this is a funny one...my twin three year olds got really quie so I knew to go check on them....what do I find but one of them naked and the other one sticking her finger up her sister's bottom...when she sees me she says Mom my finger is all stinky! I was like you think? Then of course we had to go into the total discussion about how we don't touch other people's private parts...you just never know what you are going to get with them....two days before Christmas, they flushed two tubes of toothaste down the toilet..cost us $115 to get them out! Kids! deidrelm@hotmail.com
So I was laughing at the sugar and then when I read your DH's comment I about PIMPed!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!
I don't think I can beat this one! I love it! I do have a sugar story though. When we were young, I had a little brother who just did NOT speak until the age of 3 (very late, and parents were concerned about him not talking). Anyway, one of the first things that he DID do when he started to talk, was run over to our neighbor's home and ask to borrow a cup of sugar....we had no clue where it had come from until the neighbor asked a few days later if she could get her measuring cup back.....That explained it.....strange, huh??
I love the picture of your dog. We had a Lhaso Apso that got up on a table and put her face in a bowl of cool whip and then looked up, looking very guilty.
Thanks for sharing.
Linda Peterson
Dogs are worse than kids sometimes .....lol One time Our male at grabbed a teddy bear My son had just gotten and ripped it apart I told him to go lie down I didnt want to see him (he doesnt like that)hes lying beside the couch under HIS pillow .....Well he tried getting up and Ijust had to say NO !!! he lies back down ...his Next move was he was actually Crawling with the pillow on top of him slowly ....hehehe I guess he thought we coulnt see him!!!! It was So Funny!!! We had company over and they still tell everyone about our dog
I love your hubby's response!! I also love the goodies you are giving away. When we were in Jamaica this summer, we saw a roadside sign that was advertising tires. The caption said, "worn rubbers can cause accidents!" I laughed so hard - I wonder if they knew the double meaning behind their sign or if it was meant to be innocent??
Cheryl KVD
My baby brother had a pin that said Manitoba with the emblem on it. Wasen't anything special about it. One day my brother walked downstairs and on the dehumidifier, baby brother has draped a blanket, put a ice cream pail, the pin, some pieces of paper and a "Enter To Win" sign. Nobody wanted it, so my brothers put in a bunch on names. Needless to say non was ever picked because of what names they put in... Rumpelstiltskin, Pinocchio, Cinderella, George Bush Dumbo and a ton of other names like that were in there. We had a good laugh about it a few weeks later when he asked someone to pick a name and found these ones in there.
Had to share another one of my baby brothers jokes. really short one liner. He's great at those and never fails to amaze me with what he comes up with. His Name is Waylon and one day he walks up to my mom all in a huff. She asked him what was the matter and he replied "You should have called me Waylon Jennings! Everybody calls me that ANYWAY! He was 3 years old at the time.
Okay lets see....I have four kids so I should be able to come up with one good one.....How about the time my eight year old (at the time, now is 17) daughter was being very "adult" and went up to the buffet dessert bar all by herself to make a sundae...she was so proud that she was old enough and could reach everything, including the ice cream machine, on her own. She made a chocolate syrup sundae with all the trimmings, including what she thought was a huge dollop of whipped cream...that was until she bit into it....the look on her face was priceless. It was obvious something was wrong so I asked her what and she said "I think this cool whip is bad"....my husband smelled it and said that maybe it was cause it smelled a bit funny. I took one smell and busted out laughing...I asked my DD to show me where she got the whipped cream, my suspicsions were confirmed when she led me to the potato bar and pointed to the sour cream....I so couldn't stop laughing....
Thanks for the chance at some great blog candy...
Your story made me laugh. I have one where my daughter's love to hoard their candy in their room (Valentines, Halloween, Christmas, etc.) My oldest daughter's bed sits very close to her desk (where her candy is). One day, the family was out, but our ShihPoo is a nosy rosy and got up on the bed, jumped over the laptop, and drug a big bag of candy back over the laptop and onto the bed. This bag had chocolates and Pop Rocks in it. Came home and wrappers were all over the bedroom and throughout the house. At this time, we did not realize how deadly chocolate can be for dogs, so we didn't think much about it (but laughed hysterically at the thought of her eating Pop Rocks....that was something we wish we could have seen). Little did we know that the next morning there were bunches (I mean bunches) of chocolate piles all over the livingroom floor....talk about the "Hershey squirts"! Not fun, but we still laugh about the Pop Rocks....what was it like for her to eat something that crackled and popped in her mouth as she ate it! Thanks for the chance to win some blog bling!
This is classic!! Too funny!! My husband is a cop also~ and sometimes I wonder if anyone else gets their humor!! This would be my daughter though~ not my son, and my dog would NOT be sitting still!!!
Very funny story!!! My daughter (who is 15 months) loves to steal a jar of pimentos and carry them around the house. . .I'm afraid one of these days she'll drop it and I'll have pimentos everywhere. :)
My funny story is about my son (also 2 1/2). . .he had the stomach flu a couple months ago, and proceeded to get sick in the hallway. I quickly grabbed him, placed him in front of the toilet, and he finished his "regurgitation" right there in the toilet (where it belongs. . .not on my carpet!!). So anyway, he finishes, reaches up and flushes the toilet and walks away to go play again (oh, to be young and resilient). A few minutes later he comes walking back, lifts up the toilet seat and says, "Where's my Mac-N-Cheese?" CRACKED ME UP!!! He had had mac-n-cheese for dinner, saw it floating in the toilet after his, um, ya know, and wondered where it had gone. Gotta love kids!!
I had to laugh about the sugar because that's exactly where my two dogs would have been - given the chance.
Love the Bella card! TFS
Beatuiful cards ... love those cupcakes and the soft feel of the paisley/bird creation.
My son is now almost 28 but at the time he was about 16 and already 6' tall. He is in his room and I am in the living room. All of a sudden he give a blood curdling scream 'MAAAAAA'. I dash in there and he is standing on a chair in the corner of his room pointing to the ceiling in the opposite corner. I couldn't see anything and asked him what was the matter...he chokes out..'sp...sp..spider'. It was an itty bitty spider. (6 foot teenager and an itty bitty spider.) That's not the best part. I am more afraid of spiders than my son and I had to catch it and flush it down the toilet. When we both stopped shaking from fright we laughed so hard the tears rolled down our cheeks.
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