1. I was a Paramedic in Manhattan for 8 years, in Harlem and Washington Heights (and yes, I was there on 9/11) .
2. Me and my DH met originally in 1998 but I ignored him for a year (I had a rule never to date a cop, which he was), then gave in and after one date I knew I would marry him...we were engaged 6 months later!
3. When I was first pregnant and were thinking of names we secretly hoped it would be twins, a boy and a girl we were going to name Luke and Leia (me and DH are super BIG Star Wars freaks).
4. I totally hate my first scrapbook and want to re-do it (but haven't because other people have said "isn't it cool to see how you have evolved in your art?"- yeah but I still hate it!)
5. I went to Catholic School for 12 years and 4 of them were an all-girls school!6. I am scuba certified, but haven't been diving since my honeymoon 6 years ago...sad, sad, sad!
7. I am a die hard Barry Manilow fan...I've seen him in concert about 15 times (don't tell anyone, ok?)So that was pretty painless...the problem is taggin people who haven't been tagged yet...I'll have to go fishin' tomorrow! For now have a few laughs and I'll be back later!
Oh and just because I can't leave you hanging with no pretty pictures to look at.....here's some:
My son was born the day Star Wars opened in 1977 and his name is Ben-and we have called him Obiwan since then (but he is a legal Ben) I took him to the first showing of each SW film on relase and we have seen them over 1000 times (he memorized the first one by age 4).
I am a big Barry Fan too-have all his songs on my ipod and daughter is a bigger fan (she is early 30's) She actually wrote him a letter when she was 5 and asked him to come for lunch! His facelift is awful tho. I have no clue how much we spent on concerts but miss them-the whole Vegas thing rubs me wrong as the regular fans get left out-I dont fly and have no desire to visit SIn City.
This is awesome!! I LOVE this!!
I am both a Star Wars and Barry M. fan too.
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